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A green world

Satisfied business partners. Employees we trust and who can trust us. Clients who are satisfied with our machines. That's the

The Elise 900 and MiniZ were born, among other things, from our conviction that the world deserves machines that do not burden the environment. The ecology of our machines is very important to us, and an environmentally friendly machine is just the tip of the iceberg. We also strive to be as sustainable as possible in our machine development and production.

We use recyclable products, we run an emission-free operation, we use alternative energy sources, we use electricity in production, our halls are bio-heated, we consistently recycle waste and we use environmentally friendly means of transport

"Our projects must be more than just profitable. Our ambition is not to save the world, but to use smart technology to contribute to solving local problems and developing local communities," says Václav Audes, member of the supervisory board of FIRSTGREEN Industries.

We are not indifferent to the world in which our children and their children live and will live. We are not indifferent to the state of the environment. That is why our machines do not pollute the environment with emissions or excessive noise. That is why we do not burden the environment with unnecessary waste. That's why our machine batteries are fully recyclable...

But it's not just the environment that we are sustainable about. We care about our employees, business partners and customers. We care about the country in which we do business. We pay our obligations and don't look for loopholes. We are simply a responsible company with everything that goes with it.

And we are happy to spread our "green" vision of society further through the Elise900 and MiniZ. Because the world deserves it...
