Zásady zpracování osobních udajů
We check for available local subsidies that our machines are eligible for. Please enter your location.
In a world where electrification of heavy machinery was dismissed as impractical, our team proved the skeptics wrong. Our journey, marked by courage and determination, stands as a beacon of innovation, showing that with conviction and hard work, even the seemingly impossible can be achieved.
Our goal is to ensure our machines operate smoothly, with minimal hassle, and are user-friendly. We design them to be reliable, simple to use, and ultimately to make your work easier, more efficient, and worry-free.
Our team is ready to assist you with all necessary paperwork to help you achieve your ultimate goal – securing the subsidy and integrating our advanced solutions into your operations smoothly and efficiently. We're here to make the process as seamless as possible, from start to finish.
Not sure how to proceed? Let us help you secure your subsidy!
New Jersey, US
The program will provide vouchers with base values ranging between $20,000 to $175,000.
New Jersey, US
Total loan amount of $500,000 to $20 million
New Jersey, US
Vehicle or Equipment Replacement with Zero-tailpipe Emission Power Source” reimbursement rates at 45% from the State and 55% contribution from the grantee
New Hampshire, US
This program is a reimbursement program only. Maximum Grant Funding 45% Minimum Mandatory Cost share 55%
California, US
Incentive to adjust cost of electric piece of equipment so it matches cost of diesel
California, US
Next round of funding will not be until February 2025
Colorado, US
The Colorado Clean Diesel Program is currently taking grant applications and money is avalible until exhausted
Nevada, US
FY 2023-2024 funds are now available
Montana, US
Up to - 45% grant - 55% customer cost
Alabama , US
Grant will cover up to 25% of cost
Arizona, US
Diesel to EV replacements can apply for 45% replacement costs (DERA) funds with a 55% local match. Non-road equipment must also operate more than 500 hours per year.
Oregon , US
The percentage of reimbursement funding will vary 25-100%, depending on the project type, equipment, and owner.
Utah, US
45% reimbursement for an electric replacement
New Mexico, US
Iowa, US
35% Dera - 65% user
Minnesota , US
To be announced
South Carolina, US
25% grant - possibly more depending on project total in project grant budget $300K - $400K
Massachusetts, US
45% grant - 55% cost sharing
Vermont, US
45% grant - 55% cost sharing
New York, US
Match Funding
Indiana, US
Maryland, US
75% of the difference in the cost of diesel to electric - $750,000 is available for eligible off-road heavy equipment property
Louisiana, US
60% DERA - 40% owner - The amount of funding available is $431,590
North Carolina, US
Approximately $1,118,000 - 45% grant and 55% customer match
No Subsidies Available
Unfortunately, we couldn't find any subsidies for your location at this time. However, there are still other opportunities you can explore!
Please fill out the form below, and we will notify you as soon as any subsidies become available in your area.
The program will provide vouchers with base values ranging between $20,000 to $175,000.
$90M million voucher pilot launched by New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) for Medium and Heavy Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles. This pilot is funded by Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) proceeds allocated to NJEDA for the purposes of reducing harmful emissions, especially in communities disproportionately impacted by transportation emissions, and creating economic opportunity within the state. The program will provide vouchers with base values ranging between $20,000 to $175,000.
05/21 - Currently processing applications and waitlist - no eta on future program details yet and timing and details are under development and subject to funding avaliablity.
Total loan amount of $500,000 to $20 million
NJ CELs will unlock capital for small businesses and start-ups, catalyze the deployment of clean energy in New Jersey, and support minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned businesses to participate in the State’s energy transition.
The NJEDA is currently accepting applications for this program - no current closing date and they are accepting application on a rolling basis
Vehicle or Equipment Replacement with Zero-tailpipe Emission Power Source” reimbursement rates at 45% from the State and 55% contribution from the grantee
The Bureau of Mobile Sources’ Diesel Modernization Program is a primarily a diesel replacement program. This program utilizes State and Federal funding to replace both marine engines and non-road diesel vehicles – anything from ferry vessels to backhoe loaders and bulldozers. Contingent upon open solicitations, the program also works with both municipalities and private entities to electrify on-road diesel vehicles, such as school buses, garbage trucks, and port equipment.
The Diesel Modernization Program is currently accepting applications for projects. - Waiting on State to execute spending plan - hopefully announced by June 2024
This program is a reimbursement program only. Maximum Grant Funding 45% Minimum Mandatory Cost share 55%
NHDES has $800,000 available for diesel emissions reduction project awards. NHDES will accept proposals for these funds through September 15. Proposals will be evaluated and scored competitively (see Section 3 for evaluation details) and qualifying projects meeting minimum requirements will be funded. If more proposals are received than can be funded, NHDES will prioritize funding higher scoring projects. NHDES reserves the right to negotiate contracts and to offer partial funding on projects.
Funding Opportunity - Request For Proposals OPEN as of April 12, 2024!Round One Project proposals are due May 24, 2024, 4:00 PM Eastern Time. If funding remains after Round One project selection, proposals submitted before August 2, 2024, 4:00 PM Eastern Time, will be evaluated as Round Two.
Amanda Larson alarsen@calstart.org
Eloy Florez eloy.florez@arb.ca.gov
Nestor Loza nestor.loza@tetratech.com
Incentive to adjust cost of electric piece of equipment so it matches cost of diesel
The Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project (CORE) is a multi-million incentive project intended to encourage California off-road equipment users to purchase or lease currently commercialized zero-emission off-road equipment.
The California CORE program funding for 2024 will be released in June 2024 but are currently taking new equipment applications
Next round of funding will not be until February 2025
The Colorado Clean Diesel Program is currently taking grant applications and money is avalible until exhausted
The CCDP will make grants to fund the technologies described below. All-electric (zero emissions) types of equipment will be given preference and will qualify for grants that cover a higher percentage of costs because they completely eliminate diesel emissions. Hybrid-electric types qualify for lower-percentage grants because they don’t cut emissions as much. (Grant percentages are detailed in the Funding and Cost-Share Requirements section.)
Grants of up to 25-45% of the project cost will be awarded, depending on the type of equipment.
About NDEP | NDEP (nv.gov)
FY 2023-2024 funds are now available
Infrastructure projects must follow Buy America Sourcing requirements. This requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials must be “produced in the US”. For legal definitions and sourcing requirements, the recipient must consult EPA’s Build America, Buy America website.
45% grant - 55% cost sharing
Program Support Specialist Kristyn Fullerton (406) 444-6460
Up to - 45% grant - 55% customer cost
DEQ currently offers grants and loan programs for alternative energy systems, alternative fuel transportation, and electric vehicle infrastructure. Additional tax credits and rebates recently passed by congress will roll out soon. Some of those grants and rebates will be administered by DEQ, while others will be administered federally.
Should release new funding after October 2024
Telephone Number: (334) 271-7803
Fax Number: (334) 279-3044
Grant will cover up to 25% of cost
The DERA program promotes an array of diesel emissions strategies by working with manufacturers, fleet operators, air quality professionals, environmental and community organizations and state and local officials to address the varying priorities of different regions and sectors.
Should release new funding after October 2024
Diesel to EV replacements can apply for 45% replacement costs (DERA) funds with a 55% local match. Non-road equipment must also operate more than 500 hours per year.
DERA offers grants that provide funding for local fleets to replace, repower, or retrofit older higher emitting diesel engines with newer diesels or newer alternative fuel vehicles.
Applications Accepted Feb 1 - March 15 yearly
The percentage of reimbursement funding will vary 25-100%, depending on the project type, equipment, and owner.
This grant program provides incentive funding from Oregon’s share of the Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund (VW settlement); a $72.9 million settlement dedicated to projects that reduce diesel emissions.
Ends 05/31/2024 - next round TBA
Courtney Ehrlich
Molly Parker
45% reimbursement for an electric replacement
This program offers incentives for diesel fleet owners to replace older, dirtier vehicles with trucks that meet stricter emissions standards
Currently talking applications
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) provides U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) funding for heavy-duty on-road new diesel or alternative fuel repowers and replacements, as well as off-road all-electric repowers and replacements, with priority to hydrogen fuel cell projects.
Currently Closed until Fall of 2024 - may reopen
As part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) appropriates funds for projects to reduce diesel emissions from diesel fleets. Thirty percent of the annual DERA appropriation is made available by the Environmental Protection Agency to support grant, loan or rebate programs administered by states and territories to achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions through the use of certified engine configurations or verified emission control technologies.
Opens again fall of 2024
This grant program reflects our commitment to achieve substantial emissions reductions by replacing older, more polluting diesel-powered vehicles and equipment with newer, cleaner technology that uses a variety of fuel types.
Open now through 06/30/2025 or until funds are exhausted
25% grant - possibly more depending on project total in project grant budget $300K - $400K
Offers grants and rebates for specific opportunities to implement clean diesel technology.
Should open again October 2024
This competitive grant program provides public and private entities with funding for eligible diesel emissions reduction projects.
Should open again October 2024
The Vermont Diesel Emissions Reduction Financial Assistance Awards were developed to provide technical assistance and incentive funding for projects that reduce diesel emissions from engines, vehicles, and equipment in Vermont with the goals of reducing public exposure to emissions from diesel-powered engines and the associated risks to public health and the environment.
Week of 06/17 at $140K then again in the Fall - Oct/November 2024
Not an entire state program - The Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program, managed by NYSERDA, provides funding and resources to help local governments in New York State implement clean energy actions. The program's goal is to help communities save energy costs, create jobs, improve the environment, and build a more sustainable New York
Open now
Funding availability for projects designed to significantly reduce diesel emissions from nonroad vehicles and equipment across Indiana. Nonroad vehicles and equipment include vehicles, engines, and equipment used for construction, agriculture, cargo handling (port, airport, and others), rail transportation, marine transportation as well as others.
Should open again October 2024
75% of the difference in the cost of diesel to electric - $750,000 is available for eligible off-road heavy equipment property
The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is offering grants to purchase qualifying zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and heavy equipment for commercial or industrial use. This program provides grants to Maryland fleet companies, organizations, and communities to help defray the costs of purchasing qualified, newly manufactured zero emission medium-duty or heavy-duty zero-emission fleet vehicles and qualified heavy equipment property.
Should open again August 2024
60% DERA - 40% owner - The amount of funding available is $431,590
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality has received DERA funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency for FY 2023-2024. These funds will be granted through LDEQ’s Louisiana Clean Diesel Grant Program.
Sept 30, 2024
Approximately $1,118,000 - 45% grant and 55% customer match
The North Carolina Division of Air Quality announced more than $1.1 million in grant funding awards to projects that will reduce air pollution from diesel powered mobile sources, as part of the 2023 Mobile Sources Emissions Reductions grants.
Will open again fall of 2024 - ends 9/30/2026