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Innovation for cities, municipalities and collection yards that doesn't disturb residents

Towns and villages aren’t just bland heaps of houses and businesses concentrated in one place. They should first and foremost serve their residents, from providing basic services, education, healthcare to simple space for recreation. Therefore, municipalities are constantly looking for ways to run services efficiently and without greatly compromising the comfort of residents. Innovations in technology go hand in hand with innovations in municipal services. One of the modern solutions which municipalities embraced in order to run services efficiently and economically at the same time are KOVACO’s fully-electric skid steer loaders.

Parks and countryside management


Because the Elise 900 and MiniZ electric skid steer loaders produce no local emissions, they can be of great use in the necessary maintenance of parks or protected natural areas in close proximity to residential areas. They also emit only minimal noise levels during operation, which will be appreciated by both people and animals in larger parks.

Working with our skid steer loaders can be carried out without any problems even in hard-to-reach areas, thanks to the simple remote control and the excellent driving characteristics brought by the unique machine design with its low centre of gravity combined with high ground clearance.

Landfill and salvage yards

Landfills and collection yards are often operated directly by the municipality or district. KOVACO skid steer loaders can handle loads up to 1200 kg and can handle a variety of materials thanks to the more than 40 attachments in our range. This makes them absolutely ideal helpers for any collection yard or landfill.


Tool and equipment hire is becoming an increasingly common service for citizens. When municipalities include KOVACO loaders in their inventory, they offer their residents environmentally friendly machines with economical operating costs. In fact, electricity as an energy source costs much less than diesel for conventional diesel loaders. The extremely easy maintenance and storage of our loaders is also a great advantage for municipalities.
